two keys map in C++ -

i plan use map 2 keys assignment. , create map following:

map<pair<string, string>, int> mymap; map<pair<string, string>, int>:: iterator it; 

i had hard time on how use map.find() , map.insert() finding existing entry in map or insert new value if 2 keys combination new. can 1 give example?

it should same map, except have make pairs key.

insert :

map< pair<string,string>, int > mymap;   pair<string, string> key = make_pair("bob", "sue"); mymap[ key ] = 5; // can inline make_pair if prefer.  // or can use insert method mymap.insert( key, 5 ); 

find :

pair<string, string> key = make_pair("bob", "sue");  auto = mymap.find( key ); // can inline make_pair if prefer. if ( != mymap.end() ) {   cout << it->second; } 

note using strings key in map can have performance issues. also, order of strings in pair has significance.


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