qt - Using QObject instead of a container -

after reading on interesting parent-child system of qobject wondering how common qt developers use in place of more traditional container. assuming memory contiguity not requirement, seems offers interesting features.

for example, have qobject , give children of different types, , find children based on types, giving qobject dynamic heterogenous container-like feature, opposed required homogenous collection of traditional container.

and qobject naturally manages memory of children, convenient well.

is common use of feature?

qobject::findchildren slower storing objects in normal container qlist because:

  1. it iterates on children each time. searches recursively (but can disabled).
  2. it performs runtime type check.
  3. it constructs new qlist each time. can slow , expensive there many objects in result.

all above unnecessary if use qlist<type*> my_objects. in case:

  1. you can name collection. qlist<qpushbutton*> panic_buttons clearer findchildren<qpushbutton*>().
  2. you can have several collections of objects of same type.

if want make heterogenous container, can use qhash<any_type_identifier, qobject*>. faster.

maybe, findchildren approach may simplier sometimes. if have many objects or complicated class, you'd better use normal containers. can still use qobject's memory management them without problems.


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