gps - Is it possible to get callee location in android -

in android application want location of callee. when call him or want location of callee. there methods available caller location not callee location. want or location method. way it(if possible). or suggest workaround this. in advance.i getting location location manager follows.

//variables used in method location         locationmanager locationmanager;             // minimum distance change updates in meters                 private final long min_distance_change_for_updates = 10;                  // minimum time between updates in milliseconds                 private final long min_time_bw_updates = 1000;                 private boolean isgpsenabled = false;                 boolean cangetlocation = false;                 // flag network status                 boolean isnetworkenabled = false;                        private location location; // location                       private double latitude; // latitude                 private double longitude; // longitude             //the method given below           private void getlocation(){                 locationmanager = (locationmanager) getsystemservice(location_service);                      if (locationmanager!=null && locationmanager.isproviderenabled(locationmanager.gps_provider)) {                              try {                         locationmanager = (locationmanager) getapplicationcontext()                                 .getsystemservice(location_service);                         // getting gps status                         isgpsenabled = locationmanager                                 .isproviderenabled(locationmanager.gps_provider);                          // getting network status                         isnetworkenabled = locationmanager                                 .isproviderenabled(locationmanager.network_provider);                          if (!isgpsenabled && !isnetworkenabled) {                             // no network provider enabled                         } else {                             this.cangetlocation = true;                             // first location network provider                             if (isnetworkenabled) {                                 locationmanager.requestlocationupdates(                                         locationmanager.network_provider,                                         min_time_bw_updates,                                         min_distance_change_for_updates, this);                                 log.d("network", "network");                                 if (locationmanager != null) {                                     location = locationmanager                                             .getlastknownlocation(locationmanager.network_provider);                                     if (location != null) {                                         latitude = location.getlatitude();                                         longitude = location.getlongitude();                                     }                                 }                             }                             // if gps enabled lat/long using gps services                             if (isgpsenabled) {                                 if (location == null) {                                     locationmanager.requestlocationupdates(                                             locationmanager.gps_provider,                                             min_time_bw_updates,                                             min_distance_change_for_updates, this);                                     log.d("gps enabled", "gps enabled");                                     if (locationmanager != null) {                                         location = locationmanager                                                 .getlastknownlocation(locationmanager.gps_provider);                                         if (location != null) {                                             latitude = location.getlatitude();                                      longitude = location.getlongitude();                                         }                                     }                                  }                             }                                                }                         } catch (exception e) {                         e.printstacktrace();                     }                 }                        } 


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