Get random boolean true/false in PHP -

what elegant way random boolean true/false in php?

i can think of:

$value = (bool)rand(0,1); 

but casting integer boolean bring disadvantages?

or "official" way this?

if don't wish have boolean cast (not there's wrong that) can make boolean this:

$value = rand(0,1) == 1; 

basically, if random value 1, yield true, otherwise false. of course, value of 0 or 1 acts boolean value; this:

if (rand(0, 1)) { ... } 

is valid condition , work expected.

alternatively, can use mt_rand() random number generation (it's improvement on rand()). go far openssl_random_pseudo_bytes() code:

$value = ord(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(1)) >= 0x80; 


in php 7.0 able use random_int(), generates cryptographically secure pseudo-random integers:

$value = (bool)random_int(0, 1); 


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