JSF dataTable renders an empty record -

this "view", contains "datatable". however, when run application, rendering code not bring records selected jpql

note: jpql correct , bringing right result.

next, method should brings result , "jsf view" empty record in detail:

public datamodel<pessoa> getlistapacientes() {     try {                      datamodel = new listdatamodel(pessoabo.getlistapessoa(jpaconsulta));     } catch (bdexception ex) {         logger.severe("classe [pacientemb]; método [getlistapacientes]; exceção [" + ex.getmessage() + "]");     } {         return datamodel;     } }    <h:form> <h:datatable value="#{pacientemb.listapacientes}" var="paciente">   <f:facet name="header" rendered="#{pacientemb.listapacientes.rowcount > 0}" >     <h:outputtext value="consulta de pacientes" />   </f:facet>    <h:column>     <f:facet name="header">       <h:outputtext value="nome" />     </f:facet>     <h:outputtext value="#{paciente.nome}" />   </h:column> </h:datatable>   </h:form> 

what possibly causes component not rendering search results?


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