java - android: AutoCompleteTextView with custom adapter -

i wrote custom adapter class extending baseadapter implementing filterable use autocompletetextview. filtering , selecting working fine.

the problem is, if item list clicked, autocompletetextview seems automatically call adapters getitem(int position) method , sets text getitem(position).tostring(). dont want behaviour im using custom objects in base adapter , resulting strings "classname [id=xx, variable1=var1]" put textview.

i tried setting own onitemclicklistener , onitemselectedlistener far, seems override above set string instead of directly writing custom string. how can disable default string?

oh, , overriding objects tostring() method not option in case.

any ideas? regards danijoo

// try  autocompletetext.setonitemclicklistener(new adapterview.onitemclicklistener() {              @override             public void onitemclick(adapterview<?> adapterview, view arg1, int position, long arg3) {                 string str = (string) adapterview.getitematposition(position);                 autocompletetext.settext(str);             }         }); 


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