c# - LdapConnection Vs DirectoryEntry -

can explain difference between using ldapconnection/searchrequest , directoryentry/directorysearcher searching users in activedirectory.

which 1 best suited interacting ad?

in cases, should use directoryentry/directorysearcher (system.directoryservices or s.ds) interact ad. allows things done more fewer code. ldapconnection/searchrequest (system.directoryservices.protocols or s.ds.p), provides more control offers lower level ldap access. ldap compliant directories other ad, it's use s.ds.p.

with s.ds.p, in general need write more code achieve same thing when compared s.ds.

for example, paged search in s.ds.p, need handle request , response each page of results. in s.ds, need set directorysearcher.pagesize , results in pages directorysearcher.findall().

there things must use s.ds.p, phantom root search or want handle "more data available" manually. situation not common, @ least not needed in years of s.ds coding.


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