php - HTML Form in CakePHP -

i don't want use formhelper cakephp, because want use ajax in app. how can pass data form controller? i'm using $.post jquery error. thanks!

you can use ajax cakephp form helper.

in view file .ctp put:

echo $this->form->create('model', array('id'=>'yourformid', array('default'=>false))); echo $this->form->input('field'); echo $this->form->submit('save'); echo $this->form-->end 

notice in form->create passing default=>false tells form not normal "submit".

at bottom of view file .ctp put:

$data = $this->js->get('#yourformid')->serializeform(array('isform' => true, 'inline' => true)); $this->js->get('#yourformid')->event(   'submit',    $this->js->request(       array('action' => 'youraction', 'controller' => 'yourcontroller'),       array(         'update' => '#flash',         'data' => $data,         'async' => true,             'dataexpression'=>true,         'method' => 'post'         )       )      );     echo $this->js->writebuffer();  

the above cakephp js helper write ajax , javascript php. grabs form data being submitted , serializes , passed /yourcontroller/youraction via ajax. update=>#flash telling cake update #flash div after action done.

remember in controller have public

public $helpers = array('js'); public $components = array('requesthandler');  


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