android - AudioRecorder can't be initialized after trying every variation -

i've read many posts problems of initialization of audiorecorder used function test every possibility. unfortunately, there no working one. should check?

@override   public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate)   {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.main);     log.w("debug", "audio record");      // capture mono data @ 16khz     int frequency = 44100;     int channelconfiguration = audioformat.channel_in_mono;     int audioencoding = audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit;     audiorecord audiorecord=null;      // minimal buffer size cannot merely 20ms of data, must     // @ least 1024 bytes in case, due mmio     // hardware limit.     final int buffersize = audiorecord.getminbuffersize(frequency, channelconfiguration, audioencoding);     log.w("debug", "buffer size: "+buffersize);     try     {  //      audiorecord = new audiorecord(mediarecorder.audiosource.mic, //              frequency, channelconfiguration, //              audioencoding, buffersize);       audiorecord=findaudiorecord();        short[] buffer = new short[buffersize];       if(audiorecord==null || audiorecord.getstate()!= audiorecord.state_initialized)       {         log.w("debug", "can't start");         //log.w("debug", "status: " + audiorecord.getstate());         return;       }        audiorecord.startrecording();         // blocking loop uses 40% of cpu this.       int samplenumber = 0;        // we'll capture 3000 samples of 20ms each,       // giving 60 seconds of audio data.       while (samplenumber < 3000)       {, 0, 320);  //        (int = 0; < buffer.length; i++) //        { //          filebuffer[i * 2] = (byte) (buffer[i] & (short) 0xff); //          filebuffer[i * 2 + 1] = (byte) (buffer[i] >> 8); //        }           samplenumber++;       }     } catch (illegalargumentexception e)     {       e.printstacktrace();  //to change body of catch statement use file | settings | file templates.     } catch (illegalstateexception e)     {       e.printstacktrace();  //to change body of catch statement use file | settings | file templates.     }         {       if(audiorecord!=null && audiorecord.getstate()==audiorecord.state_initialized)       {         audiorecord.stop();         audiorecord.release();       }     }     }    private static int[] msamplerates = new int[] { 8000, 11025, 22050, 44100 };   public audiorecord findaudiorecord() {     (int rate : msamplerates) {       (short audioformat : new short[] { audioformat.encoding_pcm_8bit, audioformat.encoding_pcm_16bit }) {         (short channelconfig : new short[] { audioformat.channel_in_mono, audioformat.channel_in_stereo }) {           try {             log.w("debug", "attempting rate " + rate + "hz, bits: " + audioformat + ", channel: "                     + channelconfig);             int buffersize = audiorecord.getminbuffersize(rate, channelconfig, audioformat);              if (buffersize != audiorecord.error_bad_value) {               // check if can instantiate , have success               audiorecord recorder = new audiorecord(mediarecorder.audiosource.default, rate, channelconfig, audioformat, buffersize);                if (recorder.getstate() == audiorecord.state_initialized)                 return recorder;             }           } catch (exception e) {             log.w("debug", rate + "exception, keep trying.",e);           }         }       }     }     return null;   } 

here output:

10-06 22:18:33.828: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 8000hz, bits: 3, channel: 16 10-06 22:18:33.828: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 8000hz, bits: 3, channel: 12 10-06 22:18:33.828: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 8000hz, bits: 2, channel: 16 10-06 22:18:33.867: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 8000hz, bits: 2, channel: 12 10-06 22:18:33.875: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 11025hz, bits: 3, channel: 16 10-06 22:18:33.875: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 11025hz, bits: 3, channel: 12 10-06 22:18:33.875: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 11025hz, bits: 2, channel: 16 10-06 22:18:33.906: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 11025hz, bits: 2, channel: 12 10-06 22:18:33.929: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 22050hz, bits: 3, channel: 16 10-06 22:18:33.929: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 22050hz, bits: 3, channel: 12 10-06 22:18:33.929: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 22050hz, bits: 2, channel: 16 10-06 22:18:33.929: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 22050hz, bits: 2, channel: 12 10-06 22:18:33.929: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 44100hz, bits: 3, channel: 16 10-06 22:18:33.929: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 44100hz, bits: 3, channel: 12 10-06 22:18:33.929: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 44100hz, bits: 2, channel: 16 10-06 22:18:33.937: warn/debug(26097): attempting rate 44100hz, bits: 2, channel: 12 10-06 22:18:33.937: warn/debug(26097): can't start

i have following in manifest:

uses-sdk android:minsdkversion="10" android:targetsdkversion="16" uses-permission android:name="android.permission.record_audio"

my phone galaxy ace. should check?

i restarted phone , works now. guess, calling release() in each situation (see finally block) essential.


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