AngularJS animations don't work -

i have list want animated, doesn't work. i'm using both angularjs 1.2.0 rc1 , rc2 (not @ same time, testing).

here's list:

<ul class="list-group">     <li class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="object in logstorelist" ng-animate="'demo'">         <a ui-sref="logstores.takelist({log : object.logstore})" ng-switch="object.subfolder">             <span ng-switch-when="true" class="badge">-</span>             <span ng-switch-default class="badge">+</span>         {{object.extname}}         </a>     </li> </ul> 

and css-content:

.demo-enter {    -webkit-transition: 1s linear;    transition: 1s linear;    background: #000; }  .demo-enter.demo-enter-active {    background: #fc3; } 

am missing something?

ng-animate deprecated in 1.2.0.

take here:

edit elaborate:

the code have work fine in 1.1.4 / 1.1.5.

in 1.1.4/1.1.5 use ng-animate directive define prefix 'enter', 'leave' animations example. have in 1.2.0+ directive no longer exists, , 'enter' , 'leave' animations use classes 'ng-leave' , 'ng-enter'. , same naming other angular animations.


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