symfony - How to automatically handle all unhandled php errors in symfony2? -


seems guys need real world example that. here is:


keep in mind thread safety , race conditions.

or other php notice/warning or kind of recoverable exception.

where either not defined. , run in default app.php default symfony v2.3.5 configs - see

notice: undefined variable: in /var/www/.../uibundle/controller/deploycontroller.php on line 57  call stack:     0.0000     629696   1. {main}() /var/www/.../web/app.php:0 

which not expect since in production mode framework should handle everything, log , show nice 404/500 user.

what missing , config parameter should change behaviour expect?


this question how handle unhandled php errors user didn't see stacktrace proper error page on production. treat $i++ , \bla() unexpected case, bug.

upd 2:

yes, i'm aware of debug parameter of kernel class, , don't see switching to

$kernel = new appkernel('prod', true);                                  ^--- changed false 

reasonable, since need real production environment.

upd 3:

guys, i'm aware unit, functional, acceptance , integration tests for. question is not testing. question is: how handle php errors symfony2 natively.

upd 4:

the question latest symfony2 branch - 2.3 (or v2.3.5 specifically)

upd 5:

debug::enable(null, false); - please comment possible negative side effects if used in production? --- doesn't log notices/warnings :-s


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