PHP Upload multiple images and check their file extensions prior -

i have following code upload file folder, depending on file input upload file renamed e.g. first input - picture renamed picture01.jpg, 5th input - picture renamed picture picture01.jpg, etc...

<form action="upload_file.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">     <p><input name="image01" type="file"> </p>     <p><input name="image02" type="file"> </p>     <p><input name="image03" type="file"> </p>     <p><input name="image04" type="file"> </p>     <p><input name="image05" type="file"> </p>     <input type="submit" value="upload file"> </form> 

this upload_file.php -

<?php   $pic_names = array (     '01' => 'picture01',     '02' => 'picture02',     '03' => 'picture03',     '04' => 'picture04',     '05' => 'picture05',                     );   $folder = "temp_images/";   if(preg_match("/(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|mp3|mp4)/",$ext)) { // picture01 $image_path01 = $folder . $pic_names['01'] . '.jpg'; move_uploaded_file($_files['image01']['tmp_name'], $image_path01); // picture02 $image_path02 = $folder . $pic_names['02'] . '.jpg'; move_uploaded_file($_files['image02']['tmp_name'], $image_path02); // picture03 $image_path03 = $folder . $pic_names['03'] . '.jpg'; move_uploaded_file($_files['image03']['tmp_name'], $image_path03); // picture04 $image_path04 = $folder . $pic_names['04'] . '.jpg'; move_uploaded_file($_files['image04']['tmp_name'], $image_path04); // picture05 $image_path05 = $folder . $pic_names['05'] . '.jpg'; move_uploaded_file($_files['image05']['tmp_name'], $image_path05);      echo 'uploaded successfully!';    } else { echo 'uploaded successfully!';}     ?> 

i check before file uploaded checked either 1 of following extensions exist prior uploading jpg, gif or png. if have extension not uploaded , error given.

the solution managed find when input name="image" type="file"> have same name e.g. in case name. how can case different names input?

i got follwoing error: php parse error: syntax error, unexpected t_else

though sure more parse error.

any suggestion or please?

update: amended code telling me 'wrong file type!' image format too.

the error in both string echo 'uploaded successfully!';{ position , content.

1) no statements allowed between } , else.

2) 'uploaded successfully!';{ contains { superfluous.

update: 1 of quite ways process uploaded files. depends on $pic_names array op.

$pic_names = array (     '01' => 'picture01',     '02' => 'picture02',     '03' => 'picture03',     '04' => 'picture04',     '05' => 'picture05', );  $allowed_mime = array(     'image/jpeg' => 'jpg',     'image/pjpeg' => 'jpg',     'image/gif' => 'gif',     'image/png' => 'png', );  $upload_messages = array(     upload_err_ok => ' uploaded successfully!',     upload_err_ini_size => ' uploaded file exceeds maxumum size of ' . ini_get('upload_max_filesize') . '.',     upload_err_partial => ' uploaded file partially uploaded.',     upload_err_no_file => ' no file uploaded',     upload_err_no_tmp_dir => ' missing temporary folder.',     upload_err_cant_write => ' failed write file disk.',     upload_err_extension => ' php extension stopped file upload.',     100 => ' wrong file type.', );  $folder = "temp_images/";   $error_message = $success_message = ''; $upload_counter = 0;  foreach ($pic_names $key => $value) {     if (isset($_files['image'.$key]) && !$_files['image'.$key]['error']) {         $file_mime = getfilemime($_files['image'.$key]['tmp_name']);          if ( in_array($file_mime, array_keys($allowed_mime)) ) {             $new_path = $folder . $value . '.' . $allowed_mime[$file_mime];              if ( !move_uploaded_file($_files['image'.$key]['tmp_name'], $new_path) ) {                 $error_message .= ' image' . $key . ':' . $upload_messages[upload_err_cant_write];             } else {                 $upload_counter++;             }         } else {             $error_message .= ' image' . $key . ':' . $upload_messages[100];         }     } else {         $error_message .= ' image' . $key . ':' . ($_files['image'.$key]['error'] ? $upload_messages[$_files['image'.$key]['error']] : $upload_messages[upload_err_no_file]);     } }  if ( $upload_counter == count($pic_names) ) {     echo $upload_messages[upload_err_ok]; } else {     echo 'loaded ' . $upload_counter . ' file' . ($upload_counter != 1 ? 's' : '') . '.' . $error_message; }  function getfilemime ($file) {     if (php_version >= '5.3.0') {         $finfo = new finfo(fileinfo_mime_type);         return $finfo->file($file);     } else {         return mime_content_type($file);     } } 


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