c++ - Getting extra character while caputuring system call output in c -

i capturing system call output using pipe. command running following :-

ps -ef | grep "/home/code/service" | grep 14011 | awk '{print $nf}' 

when execute above command on command prompt give me 1 integer value 197.

when execute same command using pipe , getting following :-

$nf}' $nf}' 197 

above output order in random order , follwing :-

$nf}' 197 $nf}' 

using similar code( waqas ) mentioned in below link :-

how execute command , output of command within c++ using posix?

i passing command pipe using following way :-

std::stringstream sstr ;  sstr<<"ps -ef | "; sstr<<"grep \"/home/code/service/\" | grep "; sstr<<ppid; sstr<<" | awk \'{print $nf}\'";  file* pipe = popen((sstr.str()).c_str(), "r"); 


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