android - How to play audio and wait to finish to countinue to play again? -

how play audio , wait finish countinue play again?? . in can play many time :d

    ivselect.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {          @override         public void onclick(view v) {             // todo auto-generated method stub             // toast.maketext(context, "hello", 1000).show();             mmediaplayer = mediaplayer.create(context, sound);              if (mmediaplayer.isplaying() == false) {                 mmediaplayer.start();                 mmediaplayer                         .setoncompletionlistener(new oncompletionlistener() {                             public void oncompletion(mediaplayer mp) {                                 mp.release();                              };                         });             }          }     }); 

the code working fine every button click. if wish audio repeated automatically, use


if wish when ist sound played then, second 1 should start on button click, try disabling ur button click while first sound playing , enable click oncompletelistener... thing this:

ivselect.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {      @override     public void onclick(view v) {         // todo auto-generated method stub         // toast.maketext(context, "hello", 1000).show();         mmediaplayer = mediaplayer.create(context, sound); ivselect.setclickable(false); //disabling button click  mmediaplayer.start(); } 

enable click on audio completion

mmediaplayer.setoncompletionlistener(new oncompletionlistener()                      {                         @override                         public void oncompletion(mediaplayer mp)                         {                             ivselect.setclickable(true);                          }                     }); 


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