wordpress - Keep track of button hits for an rss feed carousel with jquery -

i'm making carousel puts posts various rss feeds number of divs (slides). 1 slide shows @ time, , have left , right button uses animate() move slides in appropriate direction. i'm showing 10 slides (numbered 0 9). i'd stop left button working when slide 9 displayed, , stop right button working when slide 0 displayed in order avoid whitespace showing. works far, can't find way keep track of slide i'm on in jquery script. here's have far: script included in section on wordpress site. id #1 refers carousel #1; #left , #right refer buttons.

$(document).ready(function(){  $("#1").data("slide_num",0);      $("#1 #left").click(function(){     if($("#1").data("slide_num") < 9){         $("#1 .item").animate({left: "-=800px"}, 250);         $("#1").html(function(){             var $this = $(this);             var $slide_num = $this.data("slide_num") + 1;             $this.data("slide_num",$slide_num);         });     }); });  $("#1 #right").click(function(){     if($("#1").data("slide_num") > 0){         $("#1 .item").animate({left: "+=800px"}, 250);           $("#1").html(function(){             var $this = $(this);             var $slide_num = $this.data("slide_num") - 1;             $this.data("slide_num",$slide_num);         });     }); });  }); 

what doing wrong? need store , keep track of variable on server-side? tried using variable named slide_num instead of .data() method, didn't work either. i'd appreciate on one.


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