database - Inserting now() from vb6 into mysql -

sorry english.

when insert now() vb6 mysql(it's datetime type), zeros shown(0000-00-00 00:00:00 this). how can make them show normally?

when change datetime type text shows normally, can't work it.

here's how insert

osql = "insert rendeles(id_vevo,datum,vcime,id_alkalmazott) values (" & _ cmbvasarlo.itemdata(cmbvasarlo.listindex) & ", '" & now() & "', '" & _  ors1!cim & "', " & logged_user_id & ")"  set ors = oconn.execute(osql) 

you need (i real rusty on vb6)

dim sqldate string sqldate = format$(now, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")  ... cmbvasarlo.itemdata(cmbvasarlo.listindex) & ", '" & sqldate  & "', '" & _  ors1!cim & "', " & logged_user_id & ")" 


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