html - add css background to div -

i have following document structure ,

<div style="background:#000000;">     <input type="button" style="float:right" value="click here"/>     <input type="button" style="float:right" value="click here"/> </div> 

but dont give me result want.i want background repeated on div body in shown in image

enter image description here

any highly appreciated

firstly, you're missing 0. #00000 isn't valid hex colour code. hex colour codes must either contain 3 or 6 hexadecimal digits. resolve this, add 0 (or remove 2 of 0s):

<div style="background:#000000;">     ... </div> 

from css color module specification:

the format of rgb value in hexadecimal notation ‘#’ followed either 3 or 6 hexadecimal characters. three-digit rgb notation (#rgb) converted six-digit form (#rrggbb) replicating digits, not adding zeros. example, #fb0 expands #ffbb00. ensures white (#ffffff) can specified short notation (#fff) , removes dependencies on color depth of display.

secondly, when floating elements need clear them afterwards, floating takes them out of page's context. can refer what methods of ‘clearfix’ can use?.


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