c# - How to highlight page number of selected page for a linkbutton inside a repeater using pagedatasource? -

i want highlight current page number selected.

aspx code:

   <asp:repeater id="rptpaging" runat="server" onitemcommand="rptpaging_itemcommand">         <itemtemplate>                                           <asp:linkbutton id="btnpage"  commandname="page" commandargument="<%# container.dataitem %>" runat="server" ><%# container.dataitem %>               </asp:linkbutton>        </itemtemplate>     </asp:repeater> 

backend code:

protected void rptpaging_itemcommand(object source, repeatercommandeventargs e) {       if (e.commandname == "page")     {               int index = e.item.itemindex;          (int = 0; < rptpaging.items.count; i++)         {             linkbutton btnlnk = rptpaging.items[i].findcontrol("btnpage") linkbutton;             if (btnlnk != null)             {                 btnlnk.cssclass = index == ? "page_enabled" : string.empty;             }         }          pagenumber = convert.toint32(e.commandargument) - 1;         displaydata();     } } 

add attribute.. onclick="onclickpagebtnlink(this)" linkbutton. use javascript function:

function onclickpagebtnlink(sender) {    sender.class = "yourhighlightclass";     var pagelinks = document.getelementsbytagname("a");     (var = 0; < pagelinks.length; i++)    {      if (sender.id != pagelinks[i].id)      {        if (pagelinks[i].id.indexof('rptpaging_btnpage_') != 0)        {           pagelinks[i].class = "unhighlightclass";        }      }               } } 

you may use document.queryfor.. (i not sure of syntax) client generated anchor elements. not standard answer, work.


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