python - Django: Celery import causes error while executing cron commands -

recently installed celery on django, works fine, realized cron (i mean usual cron, not celery's periodic tasks) commands doesn't execute. had lines in cron this:

sudo -u someuser python /home/someuser/django_proj/ somecommand --settings=someapp.settings 

and works well. if add "import djcelery", have error:

unknown command: 'somecommand' type ' help' usage. 

what doing wrong? p.s. know, celery has periodic tasks, can't use feature right now.

also, have "" file, , someapp/ has code:

from common_settings import * 

if add "import djcelery" got this:

error: can't find file '' in directory containing '/home/someuser/django_proj/'. appears you've customized things. you'll have run, passing settings module. (if file indeed exist, it's causing importerror somehow.)

it tries find settings in django_proj folder, don't have settings here.

looks, you're not installed application correctly. example may forgot comma in installed_apps, , previous application not activating when django starts. no reasons broken.


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