Error Connecting to SQL Sever ->Setting AD ID user for connecting to SQL server using mqsisetdbparams for broker running on linux -

i have requirement of configuring broker ad id , password connect sql database server .

the commands entered setting given below :

  1. first created dsn

  2. stopped broker

  3. executed :

    mqsisetdbparams brokername -n sql_asda_tms -u uk\\sqltmsdb -p wmbdev  
  4. started broker

after setting above property , restarting broker tried validate connectivity using mqsicvp command failed , error logged in sql server

login failed user 'uk\sqltmsdb' .reason:attempting use nt account name sql server authentication .

find dsn details below :

;# unix sqlserver stanza  [sql_asda_tms]  driver=/opt/ibm/mqsi/7.0/odbc/v6.0/lib/  description=datadirect 6.0 sql server wire protocol,14481  ansinpw=yes  database=tms  trusted_connection=yes  quotedid=no  columnsizeascharacter=1  logintimeout=0 


  • broker running on linux .
  • the windows application able connect sql server using ad id
  • broker able connect same sql server using normal sql id , password , failing ad (active directory) id

can me in telling whether whatever trying implement possible or not ? if yes please me should doing resolve issue , if missing here ?

windows authentication db means, don't need user id , password connect database if logged in windows machine corresponding user id.

"user id" in mqsisetdbparams treated database user id , password , hence giving active directory's user id , password in command wrong.

so, in short, odbc connection not possible broker database using windows authentication.

but, have option of using jdbc connection. should work windows authentication doesn't mandate give user id , password.

you can use jdbc connection via java compute node in message flow(reference).

here can find how use windows authentication jdbc connection.


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