r - Change plot area background color -

i graph in r using our company colors. means background of charts should light blue, plotting region should white. searching answers , found drawing rect job (almost). plotting region white , graph not visible anymore. possible?

getsymbols('spy', from='1998-01-01', to='2011-07-31', adjust=t)  graph_blue<-rgb(43/255, 71/255,153/255) graph_orange<-rgb(243/255, 112/255, 33/255) graph_background<-rgb(180/255, 226/255, 244/255)  par(bg=graph_background)  colorplottingbackground<-function(plottingbackgroundcolor = "white"){   rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col ="white") }  plot.xts(spy, col=graph_blue) colorplottingbackground() 

the issue plot white rectangle after plotting data, therefore overwriting them. since plot.xts doesn't have argument add allow call after drawing rectangle, solution see modify function plot.xts.

plot.xtsmodified<-function (x, y = null, type = "l", auto.grid = true, major.ticks = "auto",      minor.ticks = true, major.format = true, bar.col = "grey",      candle.col = "white", ann = true, axes = true, ...)  {     series.title <- deparse(substitute(x))     ep <- axticksbytime(x, major.ticks, format.labels = major.format)     otype <- type     if (is.ohlc(x) && type %in% c("candles", "bars")) {         x <- x[, has.ohlc(x, true)]         xycoords <- list(x = .index(x), y = seq(min(x), max(x),              length.out = nrow(x)))         type <- "n"     }     else {         if (ncol(x) > 1)              warning("only univariate series plotted")         if (is.null(y))              xycoords <- xy.coords(.index(x), x[, 1])     }     ###the next 3 lines modifications made function####     plot(xycoords$x, xycoords$y, type = "n", axes = false, ann = false)      rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3], par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4], col ="white")     if(type=="l"){lines(xycoords$x, xycoords$y, ...)}      if (auto.grid) {         abline(v = xycoords$x[ep], col = "grey", lty = 4)         grid(na, null)     }     if (is.ohlc(x) && otype == "candles")          plot.ohlc.candles(x, bar.col = bar.col, candle.col = candle.col,              ...)     dots <- list(...)     if (axes) {         if (minor.ticks)              axis(1, @ = xycoords$x, labels = false, col = "#bbbbbb",                  ...)         axis(1, @ = xycoords$x[ep], labels = names(ep), las = 1,              lwd = 1, mgp = c(3, 2, 0), ...)         axis(2, ...)     }     box()     if (!"main" %in% names(dots))          title(main = series.title)     do.call("title", list(...))     assign(".plot.xts", recordplot(), .globalenv) } 

then script become:

library(quantmod) getsymbols('spy', from='1998-01-01', to='2011-07-31', adjust=t)  graph_blue<-rgb(43/255, 71/255,153/255) graph_background<-rgb(180/255, 226/255, 244/255)  par(bg=graph_background)  plot.xtsmodified(spy, col=graph_blue) 

enter image description here

the error you're getting (error in axis(1, @ = xycoords$x, labels = false, col = "#bbbbbb", ...) : formal argument "col" matched multiple actual arguments.) thrown previous script. has fact plot.xts uses several time argument ... , argument col both valid axis , plot(or here in modified version, lines). if want avoid it, see 2 solutions: either want axis of same color line , therefore have change line says:

... axis(1, @ = xycoords$x, labels = false, col = "#bbbbbb",              ...) ... 


... axis(1, @ = xycoords$x, labels = false, ...) ... 

or want axis have color intended writer of original plot.xts in case need differenciate color of lines , of axis.

 plot.xtsmodified<-function (x, y = null, type = "l", auto.grid = true, major.ticks = "auto",                               minor.ticks = true, major.format = true, bar.col = "grey",                               candle.col = "white", ann = true, axes = true,                               lcol, ...)  { ... if(type=="l"){lines(xycoords$x, xycoords$y, lcol, ...)} ... } 

and in actual call:

plot.xtsmodified(spy, lcol=graph_blue) 


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