java - Overriding JButton paintComponent with differnet style not suporting HTML format -

i want set different style jbutton. overridden paintcomponent achieve. works successful button doesn't support html format.

could please suggest me

paintcomponent() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ below override code: // prep painting.         graphics2d g2d = (graphics2d)g;       if(buttonstyle != 0 && buttonstyle != images){         if(g == null)             return;         if(getbackground() == null)           setbackground(acrcolor);         if(getfadedbackgroundcolor() == null)           setfadedbackgroundcolor(color.white);          g2d.clearrect(0, 0, getwidth()+getx(), getheight()+gety());         // end prep painting.       }       switch (buttonstyle){       case skinz:         paintskinz(g2d);         return;       case images:         paintimages(g2d);         break;       case rollover:         system.err.println("rollover of fuelbutton not yet implemented.");         break;       case java_like:         paintjavalike(g2d);         return;       case gradience:         paintgradience(g2d);       case classic:       case java_default:       default:                   super.paintcomponent(g);         m_originalborder = getborder();         m_originalfont = getfont();         return;       }       painttext(g2d,0,0,getwidth(),getheight());   paintjavalike(g2d): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ g2d.setcolor(getbackground());       g2d.fill3drect(0,0,getwidth(),getheight(),true);       if(geticon()==null)         painttext(g2d,0,0,getwidth(),getheight());       else if (gettext() == null || gettext().length() == 0)         this.paintcenteredicon(g2d, ((imageicon)geticon()).getimage());       else {         int w = getwidth() - geticontextgap() - geticon().geticonwidth() - (borderwidth*2)-4;         int h = getheight()-(borderwidth*2);         g2d.drawimage(((imageicon)geticon()).getimage(), 2, (getheight()/2)-(geticon().geticonheight()/2), this);         painttext(g2d,2+geticon().geticonwidth()+this.geticontextgap(),0,w,h);       } 

thanks palanisamy

you provide custom buttonui, , use buttons, instead of overriding paintcomponent(). swing uses textlayout drawing strings, , can complicated. however, basicbuttonui has protected painttext() method can want (you don't need call manually. ui's paint() calls it, unless override too). if extend basicbuttonui can let draw string.


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