java - Ftp Downloaded file size is 0 KB -

i'm trying download files in ftp path local system. downloaded files in 0 kb. problem. please me find bug. (files of type *.zip, *.pdf, *.xml)

thanks in advance.

package connectftp;  import; import; import java.util.calendar; import java.util.logging.level; import java.util.logging.logger;  import; import; import; import;  public class ftpdownloader {  ftpclient ftp = null;  public ftpdownloader(string host, string user, string pwd) throws exception {     ftp = new ftpclient();     int reply;     ftp.connect(host);     reply = ftp.getreplycode();     if (!ftpreply.ispositivecompletion(reply)) {         ftp.disconnect();         throw new exception("exception in connecting ftp server");     }     ftp.login(user, pwd);     ftp.setfiletype(ftp.binary_file_type);     ftp.enterlocalpassivemode(); }  public void downloadfile(string remotefilepath, string localfilepath) {     try (fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream(localfilepath)) {         this.ftp.retrievefile(remotefilepath, fos);     } catch (ioexception ioe) {         ioe.printstacktrace();     } } public void disconnect() {     if (this.ftp.isconnected()) {         try {             this.ftp.logout();             this.ftp.disconnect();         } catch (ioexception ioe) {          }     } }  public static void main(string[] args) {     try {         ftpdownloader ftpdownloader =                 new ftpdownloader("", "adminuser", "password");         ftpdownloader.listfolders();         system.out.println("file downloaded successfully");         ftpdownloader.disconnect();     } catch (exception e) {         e.printstacktrace();     } }  public void listfolders() {     try {         string ftpbasepath = "dev";         ftpfile[] filelist = ftp.listdirectories("/" + ftpbasepath);         (ftpfile file : filelist) {             listfiles(file.getname());         }     } catch (ioexception ex) {         logger.getlogger(ftpdownloader.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ex);     } }  public void listfiles(string path) {     try {         ftpfile[] filelist = ftp.listfiles(path);         (ftpfile file : filelist) {             string currentfilename = file.getname();             string localpath = "e:\\ftpfiles\\"+currentfilename;             try (fileoutputstream fos = new fileoutputstream(localpath)) {                 this.ftp.retrievefile(currentfilename, fos);             } catch (ioexception ioe) {                 ioe.printstacktrace();             }         }     } catch (ioexception ioe) {         logger.getlogger(ftpdownloader.class.getname()).log(level.severe, null, ioe);     } } } 

here solution question. have modified code little changes. given code files in given ftp path , stores in local directory folder wise structure.

the output structure example:


*.* files stored folder structure in ftp

operating system : windows 2008 server (64 bit)

however work in windows ftp servers , move file local system or given path.


package connectftp;  import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.simpledateformat; import; import; import; import;   class uftp {  public static void main(string[] args) {      uftp unftp = new uftp();     unftp.unfile(); }  private void unfile() {     try {         //current date, month, year starts         date mmddyyyy = new date();         string today = new simpledateformat("mmddyyyy").format(mmddyyyy);         string cyear = today.substring(4, 8);         string month[] = {"january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june", "july", "august",             "september", "october", "november", "december"};         string cmonths = today.substring(0, 2);         int cmonthi = integer.parseint(cmonths);         cmonths = month[cmonthi - 1];         system.out.println("month : " + cmonths);         system.out.println("year  : " + cyear);         //current date, month, year ends          ftpclient ftp = new ftpclient();         ftp.connect("");         if (!ftp.login("dev", "password")) {             ftp.logout();         }         int reply = ftp.getreplycode();         if (!ftpreply.ispositivecompletion(reply)) {             ftp.disconnect();         }         ftp.enterlocalpassivemode();         string ftpbasepath = "devpath";  //ftp base directory         string localpath = "e:\\ftpfiles\\";          //create dir tree         //create year dir         file newdir = new file(localpath + cyear);         if (!newdir.exists()) {             system.out.println("creating directory: " + today);             boolean result = newdir.mkdir();             if (result) {                 system.out.println("year dir created");             }         }         localpath = localpath + cyear + "\\";          //create month dir         newdir = new file(localpath + cmonths);         if (!newdir.exists()) {             system.out.println("creating directory: " + today);             boolean result = newdir.mkdir();             if (result) {                 system.out.println("month dir created");             }         }         localpath = localpath + cmonths + "\\";          //create date dir           newdir = new file(localpath + today);         if (!newdir.exists()) {             system.out.println("creating directory: " + today);             boolean result = newdir.mkdir();             if (result) {                 system.out.println("today dir created");             }         }          //creates today's dir         //destinationbasepath = "e:\\ftpfiles\\" + today + "\\";         localpath = localpath + today + "\\";         ftpfile[] filelist = ftp.listdirectories("/" + ftpbasepath);         (ftpfile directory : filelist) {             system.out.println(directory.getname());             string currentdir = directory.getname();             ftpfile[] ftpfiles = ftp.listfiles("/" + ftpbasepath + "/" + currentdir + "/");             if (ftpfiles != null && ftpfiles.length > 0) {                 (ftpfile file : ftpfiles) {                     if (!file.isfile()) {                         continue;                     }                     system.out.println("file " + file.getname());                     outputstream output;                      //create dir starts                     newdir = new file(localpath + currentdir);                     // if directory not exist, create                     if (!newdir.exists()) {                         system.out.println("creating directory: " + currentdir);                         boolean result = newdir.mkdir();                         if (result) {                             system.out.println("dir created");                         }                     }                     //create dir ends                      output = new fileoutputstream(localpath + currentdir + "\\" + file.getname());                     ftp.retrievefile("/" + ftpbasepath + "/" + currentdir + "/" + file.getname(), output);                     output.flush();                     output.close();                 }             }         }         ftp.logout();         ftp.disconnect();      } catch (exception ex) {         ex.printstacktrace();     } } } 


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