java - styles toast background - no resource found that matches the given name -

in theory simple thing. change background color of toast (android:minsdkversion="14" android:targetsdkversion="18"). did? i've found theme.holo.light definition use parent own style:

theme.holo.light definition

next i've found:

<item name="android:toastframebackground"> 

nest wanted modify it:

<resources xmlns:android=""> <style name="mytheme" parent="android:theme.holo.light"> <item name="android:actionbarstyle">@style/myactionbarstyle</item> <item name="android:toastframebackground">@android:color/holo_blue_light</item> 


while action bar works without problems, toastframebackground eclipse displays always:

error: error: no resource found matches given name: attr 'android:toastframebackground'. styles.xml android aapt problem

i've set original version (just copied original theme definition):

<item name="toastframebackground">@android:drawable/toast_frame</item> 

hoping should work. no way.

when click ctr+space eclipse seems not see toastframebackground. why? i've checked other items original theme definition , seems visible, while others no.

any idea? help?

i've spent 3-4 hours , nothing... keep original toast background color seems it's not worth fight prefer understand deeper mechanism. why don't have access item seems should have access.

that's because toastframebackground not exported , did not make public.xml, means attribute not available non-platform/third-party applications.

however, may want see trying achieve.


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