ios - Where exactly can I access IB auto generated layout constraints? -

i have uilabel inside uitableviewcell seems have nsibprototypinglayoutconstraints auto generated ib.

it doesn't can access constraints calling mylabel.constraints or mycell.constraints.

is stored somewhere else or not able access through code?

if it's custom table cell (that is, dragged uilabel objects library table cell), select uilabel in ib. in bottom right-hand corner of ib canvas, click "resolve auto layout issues" button--it looks tie-fighter star wars. pop-up menu, choose "add missing constraints". should show automatically generated constraints. can re-configure them in ib , make outlets them.

if using uilabel comes 1 of pre-configured table cells (e.g., basic style), might not able re-configure label's constraints. uilabel in pre-configured cell, "add missing constraints" item disabled.

if want modify constraints of uilabel in pre-configured table cell, might consider using custom style table cell instead.


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