javascript - How to fade images at different times with jQuery -

i have 2 different images classed (letterfile , handfile). want 1 fade out other fades in , keep going that.

this have, fading images @ same time:

$( document ).ready(function() {    setinterval(function() {    $( ".letterfile" ).fadetoggle( "slow", "linear" );    settimeout(function(){        $( ".handfile" ).fadetoggle( "slow", "linear" );        }, 2000);    }, 2000); }); 

any suggestions?

you have issue because right after first iteration show both of them , there onwards toggles state, i.e both visible or not visible. can rid of timeouts etc , make more generic.

give common class images(or divs or ever using)

<img class="letterfile slide" src="" /> <img class="handfile slide" src="" /> 


$(document).ready(function () {     var duration = 'slow', type="linear";     function toggleem() {         //get visible slide , after 2 sec start fade out transition         $('.slide:visible').delay(2000).fadeout(duration, type, function(){             //once complete slide in next one, i.e sibling of image             $(this).siblings('.slide').fadein(duration, type, function(){                   toggleem(); //after completed start loop again             });         })     }     toggleem(); }); 


most animation methods have comple callback wil l executed when 1 animation completed , preciesly in case want start next fadetransition.


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