Git Merge failed referencing missing files -

i'm quite new git excuse me if i'm using wrong terminology. created develop branch off master branch wanted use testing fixes/updates. created new branch called themes wanted merge develop error message have no idea how solve:

conflict (rename/delete): rename files/imagefield_thumbs/advert-photos/favicon.png->sites/all/themes/custom/newtheme origional/images/quote_bottom.png in theme , deleted in head conflict (rename/delete): rename files/imagefield_thumbs/advert-photos/favicon_0.png->sites/all/themes/custom/newtheme origional/images/quote_top.png in theme , deleted in head

this directory files/imagefield_thumbs/advert-photos doesn't exist on either branches not sure why being flagged?

i have .gitignore set ignore files/* well.

hope question makes sense.


there couple of things.

git doesn't track directories, tracks files. had file tracking got renamed. or @ least thinks file renamed. , in branch merging files deleted. git confused want done file, whether file needs moved or should deleted.

you have merge conflict, regular occurrence. need run git merge-tool , allow use file or choose have deleted.

check out section merge conflicts. want comfortable dealing them.

as git-ignore file, did have files in directory when added that? may have led particular confusion.


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