ios - When subclassing RKObjectRequestOperation to check for errors, how to retry the failed operation? -
i have subclassed rkmanagedobjectrequestoperation , overriding following method,
- (void)setcompletionblockwithsuccess:(void ( ^ ) ( rkobjectrequestoperation *operation , rkmappingresult *mappingresult ))success failure:(void ( ^ ) ( rkobjectrequestoperation *operation , nserror *error ))failure { [super setcompletionblockwithsuccess:^void(rkobjectrequestoperation *operation , rkmappingresult *mappingresult) { if (success) { success(operation, mappingresult); } }failure:^void(rkobjectrequestoperation *operation , nserror *error) { nsinteger statuscode = operation.httprequestoperation.response.statuscode; switch (statuscode) { case 401: // not authenticated { myerror* errorresponse = (myerror*)[[error.userinfo objectforkey:@"rkobjectmappererrorobjectskey"] firstobject]; if(errorresponse && [errorresponse.oauth2errorcode isequaltostring:@"invalid_token"]){ rkobjectrequestoperation* repeatop = [operation copy]; [repeatop setcompletionblockwithsuccess:success failure:failure]; [[nsnotificationcenter defaultcenter] postnotificationname:@"invalidtokenfailure" object:repeatop]; } else{ if (failure) { failure(operation, error); } } } break; default: { if (failure) { failure(operation, error); } } break; } }]; }
then in observer of failure notification, issue request refresh oauth token , on success, want enqueue original request again, after substituting querystring parameter original operation.
in code notification observer:
-(void)restrequestfailedwithoperation:(nsnotification*)notification{ rkmanagedobjectrequestoperation *operation = (rkmanagedobjectrequestoperation *)notification.object; if (operation) { // issue token refresh request , in success block: ..... [[rkobjectmanager sharedmanager] enqueueobjectrequestoperation:operation]; } }
i did not see means replace specific querystring parameter within rkmanagedobjectrequestoperation. , since original operation still has old token, enqueueing again not work.
one workaround move concern of appending oauth tokens each outgoing request subclass rkhttprequestoperation class , override method
-(nsurlrequest*)connection:(nsurlconnection *)connection willsendrequest:(nsurlrequest *)request redirectresponse:(nsurlresponse *)response{ }
this ensure each outgoing request current oauth token. gets away needing modify failed operation new request.
make sure register subclass(myhttprequestoperation) this:
[[rkobjectmanager sharedmanager] registerrequestoperationclass:[myhttprequestoperation class]];
i not confident best approach. ideally, pattern set rkpaginator class implemented. rkpaginator allows easy repeat of same request while modifying query parameters.
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