java - Multiple Threads spawning multiple threads and how to wait for child Threads -

i have 2 arrays abc[100] , def[1000] , have find array xyz[100] , xyz[i] = mindistance(abc[i],def) i.e every element in abc have find corresponding nearest element in def , set in xyz.

for using threads @ 2 level . @ first level creating threads every 10 points in abc , @ second level each creating child threads every 100 points in def. below implementation .

my questions

  • how can wait child threads of abc(i.e def threads) . have gone through java join method not able figure out on how use .

  • can use cyclic barrier in case.

  • the actual data in magnitude 1000s abc , 10000 def , haven't used threads before ,so there issues can happen implementation . have seen use of threadpoolexecutor instead of fixedthreads in examples couldnt figure out how threadpoolexecutor have.

1. distancecalculation

public class mindistancecalculation {    public static list<double[]> xyz = new vector<double[]>();   public void method1(){           double[][] abc = new double[100][7];     double[][] def = new double[1000][7];      executorservice executorservice = executors.newfixedthreadpool(10);          for(int = 0 ; < abc.length ; = i*10){         executorservice.execute(new mainthread(abc,i , i*10 , def));     }        } } 

2 . main thread / abc threads

public class mainthread implements runnable{  double[][] abc = null; double[][] def = null; int startpos  = 0; int endpos = 0;  public mainthread(double[][] abc , int startpos , int endpos, double[][] def){ = abc;     this.def = def; }  @override public void run() {           for(int = startpos ; < endpos ; i++){ executorservice executorservice = executors.newfixedthreadpool(10); list<future<double[]>>  mindistancepoints = new arraylist<future<double[]>>();  for(int j = 0 ; j < def.length ; j = j*100 ){   future<double[]> mindistancepoint = null;   mindistancepoint = executorservice.submit(new childthread(abc[i], def, j, j*100));   mindistancepoints.add(mindistancepoint);                       }  // how can wait threads , calculate mindistance ,          //add actual array         findmindistanceofall(abc[i],mindistancepoints);                     executorservice.shutdown();     }        }  public void findmindistanceofall(double[] mainpoint, list<future<double[]>>  distancepoints){     // here  find min among given points , add actual array.; } 


child thread / def threads

public class childthread implements callable<double[]> {  double[] abc = null; double[][] def = null; int from; int to;  public childthread(double[] abc, double[][] def, int from, int to) {     this.def = def; = abc;     this.from = from; = to; }  @override public double[] call() throws exception {      double mindistance = double.max_value;     double currentdistance = 0;     double[] mincandidate = null;      (int = from; < to; i++) {         currentdistance = distance(abc,def[i]);         if (currentdistance < mindistance) {             mindistance = currentdistance;             mincandidate = def[i];         }     }      return mincandidate; }  public double distance(double[] point1 , double[] point2) {     // calculates , returns euclidean distance             return 0; } } 

  • determine parallel task should do. best parallelization when there minimal interaction. calculating 1 element of xyz array best candidate. splitting def in 10 chunks bad because chunks not independent. combining 10 elements of abc in 1 thread may have sense when want increase size of task , reduce task's interaction, not evident optimization , should done later.

  • decide how run these tasks. wrapping each task in separate runnable , submitting thread pool universal way here can avoid this. each tack identified index abc array (and xyz array). can keep current index in atomicinteger , use getandincrement obtain next index.

  • since task cpu-bound, start n threads n=number of available processors.

  • count number of finished tasks countdownlatch.

add initialization , min distance calculation here:

public class mindistancecalculation implements runnable {       atomicinteger idx=new atomicinteger();     int inpsize=100;     double[] abc = new double[inpsize];     double[] def = ...     double[] xyz = new double[inpsize];     countdownlatch counter=new countdownlatch(inpsize);       public void run() {       (;;) {        int nextindex=idx.getandincrement();        if (nextindex>=inpsize) return;        xyz[nextindex]=mindistance(abc[nextindex], def);        counter.countdown();     }      void start() {      (int k=0; k<runtime.getruntime.availableprocessors()) {         new thread(this).start();      }      counter.await();     }      public static void main(string[] a) {        new mindistancecalculation().start();     }   } 


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