objective c - UIImageView won't animate with UIImages of CGImage -

i have uiimageview trying make animation of set of uiimages created flipping other uiimages. here's code:

    turtle = [[uiimageview alloc] initwithframe:cgrectmake(self.view.frame.size.width-200,                                                                     self.view.frame.size.height - sand.frame.size.height - turtle.frame.size.height - 10 - heightofkeyboard,                                                                     100,100)]; [flippedturtlearray addobject:[uiimage imagewithcgimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"turtle1.png"].cgimage scale:1 orientation:uiimageorientationdownmirrored]]; [flippedturtlearray addobject:[uiimage imagewithcgimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"turtle2.png"].cgimage scale:1 orientation:uiimageorientationdownmirrored]]; [flippedturtlearray addobject:[uiimage imagewithcgimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"turtle3.png"].cgimage scale:1 orientation:uiimageorientationdownmirrored]]; [flippedturtlearray addobject:[uiimage imagewithcgimage:[uiimage imagenamed:@"turtle2.png"].cgimage scale:1 orientation:uiimageorientationdownmirrored]]; [self.view addsubview: turtle]; 

problem is, when try , make animate array of flipped images, shows originals, not flipped ones (i.e., when this):

turtle.animationimages = flippedturtlearray; turtle.animationduration = 0.8f; turtle.animationrepeatcount = 0; [turtle startanimating]; 

the original non flipped images shown.

now, if however:

turtle.image = [flippedturtlearray objectatindex:1]; 

the flipped image shown. thought maybe can't animation cgimage, couldn't find else had had same problem. ideas?



i @ cglayer property, , transform property of layer.

the transform property animatable, , allow apply arbitrary transform original image without having manage intermediate flipped turtle array.

the transform applied layer’s contents. animatable.

@property catransform3d transform discussion property set identity transform default. transformations apply layer occur relative layer’s anchor point.

availability available in ios 2.0 , later. related sample code oaltouch declared in calayer.h

if have other reasons wanting array, may want render flipped image separate image, , pass array.

similarly if can use ios 7 target, take spritekit, may make whole task simpler.


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