jquery - Creating items via ajax force rails to create additional items in DB -

i using foundation , rails (i dont know why, think problem in foundation). when create new comment article, on first article have 1 comment per click, have be, if go article - creates 2 similar comments, go article , 4 comments, 7 , on. think problem in foundation, because render errors in browser:

uncaught error: jquery-ujs has been loaded! and

object [object object] has no method 'foundation'

tell me please how can solve problem

my model:

class comment   include mongoid::document   include mongoid::timestamps   belongs_to :commentable, polymorphic: true   has_many :answers, as: :commentable, class_name: "comment"    default_scope queryable.order_by(:created_at.asc)     field :body, type: string   validates_presence_of :body   end 

my controller action:

def create @comment = @commentable.comments.new(params_comment) if @comment.save   flash.now[:notice] = "..."   @response = {comment: @comment, model: @commentable}   respond_with(@comment) { @response } else   flash.now[:alert] = "..."   respond_with(@comment) end 


my create.js.coffee

$("<%= escape_javascript( render 'shared/comment', @response)%>").appendto(".comments").hide().fadein(500) 

and view:

.comments   =render "comment" 

my partial:

.comment{ id: "comment-#{comment.id}"}   = image_tag("delete/brian.jpg", class: "avatar")   .comment-author     =faker::name.name     %time.comment-date= l comment.created_at   .comment-text     = comment.body   -if comment.answers.any?     .answers       -comment.answers.each |answer|         .comments-answer           =image_tag('delete/brian.jpg',class: "avatar")           .comment-author             =faker::name.name             %time.comment-date= l(answer.created_at)           .comment-text= answer.body         = form_for([comment, answer.new]) |f|           = f.text_area :body, rows: 8           = f.submit    .wrapper     = link_to 'destroy', [model, comment], method: :delete, remote: true,class: "euro"   %hr 


#comment_form  = form_for([@article, @comment],:remote => true) |f|   = f.text_area :body, rows: 8   = f.submit "Написать", class: "button small round" 

you loading 2 copies of jquery causing both of these errors. foundation includes it's own copy of jquery default. remove 1 of them, , should clear up.

see also: https://github.com/zurb/foundation/issues/2125


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