php - How can I add checkbox in the drop down? -

i trying add check box in drop down, don't know how achieve this. below code used define check-boxes:

<html>      <head>          <title>scrolling checkboxes</title>          <script type="text/javascript">          </script>      </head>      <body>          <div id="scrollcb" style="height:150;width:200px;overflow:auto">              <input type="checkbox" id="scb1" name="scb1" value="1">0-1 hours<br>              <input type="checkbox" id="scb2" name="scb2" value="2">1-2 hours<br>              <input type="checkbox" id="scb3" name="scb3" value="3">2-3 hours<br>              <input type="checkbox" id="scb4" name="scb4" value="4">3-4 hours<br>              <input type="checkbox" id="scb5" name="scb5" value="5">4-5 hours<br>              <input type="checkbox" id="scb6" name="scb6" value="6">5-6 hours<br>              <input type="checkbox" id="scb7" name="scb7" value="7">6-7 hours<br>              <input type="checkbox" id="scb8" name="scb8" value="8">7-8 hours<br>              <input type="checkbox" id="scb9" name="scb9" value="9">8-9 hours<br>          </div>      </body>  </html>  

below code define drop-down-:

<html xmlns="">     <head>         <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />         <title>untitled document</title>     </head>     <body>         <?php              function  select_time($time_)             { ?>         <select id="ftime" name="selecteddate_t<?php echo $time_ ;?>">             <?php for($t=0;$t<=23;$t++) { ?>             <option value=" <?php echo $t;   ?>"><?php echo $t; ?></option>             <?php } ?>         </select>         <?php }          ?>         <form action="xyz.php" method="post">             <?php echo "time: "select_time('from');?>         </form>     </body> </html> 

i want when 1 click on drop-down, list of check-boxes display , he/she may able select more 1 check box. also, please explain how can selected value in variable. trying provide user option select multiple time slots , per selection show him/her required stats. have no idea need quiet feasible or not. had tried lot integrate check boxes drop-down, did not reached desired result.

below code works me please have on this. <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>jquery dropdown check list</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ui.dropdownchecklist.css" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="demo.css" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui.core.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="ui.dropdownchecklist.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">     $(document).ready(function() {        $("#s4").dropdownchecklist({ maxdropheight: 120 });       }); </script> </head> <body> <?php   echo "<br>";   function submit_button() { ?>   <input name="submit" type="submit">  <?php }   ?>  <?php  function multiple_chk($selectedbox) { ?>  <select id="selectedbox" name="selectedbox<?php echo $year; ?>">  <?php for($k=1;$k<=3;$k++) {?>  <option  value="<?php echo '201'.$k; ?> "><?php echo '201'.$k; ?></option>  <?php }  ?>  </select>  <?php }   ?>  <div id="content">  <p>  <select id="s4" name="multiple[]" multiple="multiple" size="4" >         <option name="assa">0-1 hours</option>         <option value="dssd">1-2 hours</option>         <option value="2">2-3 hours</option>         <option>3-4 hours</option>         <option>4-5 hours</option>         <option>5-6 hours</option>         <option>6-7 hours</option>         <option>7-8 hours</option>         <option>8-9 hours</option>         <option>9-10 hours</option>         <option>10-11 hours</option>         <option>11-12 hours</option>         <option>12-13 hours</option>         <option>13-14 hours</option>         <option>14-15 hours</option>         <option>15-16 hours</option>         <option>16-17 hours</option>         <option>17-18 hours</option>         <option>18-19 hours</option>         <option>19-20 hours</option>         <option>20-21 hours</option>         <option>21-22 hours</option>         <option>22-23 hours</option>         <option>23-24 hours</option>      </select>     <?php submit_button(); ?></form>  </p>  <?php echo '<pre>';print_r($_request);echo '</pre>';    ?> </div> </body> </html> 


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