perl - Auto-increment integers for POD items -

would know of way dynamically increment integer item titles? avoid having change every step number in event new step need added/removed somewhere in middle of ton of steps. below small three-step procedure give rough idea of template structure:

=step_wash 1. wash  <p>add washing steps here</p>  =cut  # throw perl code here wash stuff  =step_dry 2. dry  <p>add drying steps here</p>  =cut  # throw perl code here dry things  =step_fold 3. fold  <p>add folding steps here</p>  =cut  # fold of things perl! 

disregarding item names , structure of this, goal try , eliminate use of statically numbering title of each item. wondering if there possible way generate integer increments; pretty replacing 1, 2, 3, etc { print $i++ } instead.. in pod.

pod pretty plain , doesn't sort of thing.

an extension of pod called pseudopod in theory (see when tried it gave error.


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