html - How to connect my email attactment form to php. direct my email -

how connect email attachtment form php. direct email.

html :-

  <form id="form" class="blocks" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="js/upload_file.php" method="post">     <p>         <label>             name:</label>         <input type="text" class="text" name="name" />     </p>     <p>         <label>             address:</label>         <input type="text" class="text" name="address" />     </p>     <p>         <label>             phone:</label>         <input type="text" class="text" name="phone" />     </p>     <p class="area">         <label>             year exp:</label>         <input type="text" class="text" name="exp" />     </p>                        <p class="area">         <label for="file">             upload ur cv:</label>         <input type="file" name="attachment">     </p>     <p>         <label>             &nbsp;</label>         <input type="submit" class="btn" value="submit" />     </p>  </form>      <div class="right">         <img src="images/careers.png" width="350" height="334">     </div>      </div>             </div>      </div> 

how connect email attachtment form php. direct email. how connect email attachtment form php. direct email. how connect email attachtment form php. direct email.

php :-

 <?php if (isset($_request['email'])) {   $domain='';   $from='';   $name = $_request['name1'] ;   $add = $_request['add'] ;   $phone = $_request['phone'] ;   $exp = $_request['exp'] ;   $attachment = $_request['attachment'] ;     $subject = 'massage recieved pearl : '.$domain.'';     $body = $email.'      person contacted : '.$name.'      |------------------full details--------------------|     name:            '.$name.'      address:          '.$add.'      phone:          '.$phone.'      experience:         '.$exp.'      attachment:         '.$attachment.'      |--------------------end---------------------------|';    echo ("<script language='javascript'>     window.alert('thank feedback. contact shortly')     window.location.href='';     </script>");    mail("",$from, $subject, $body);  // check, if message sent email  // display message "we've recived information"  } else { echo "try again"; } ?>` 

if understood question:

hope helps.


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