java - Splash Screen with AsyncTask -
i want implement splash screen app. did this. @ moment waits 3 seconds , calls mainactivity class. problem have data load , current setup user have waits 2 times. want splash screen loads data. have mainactivity class happens , have splashscreen class.
the method want run in background in mainclass. have splash screen class that
public class splashscreenactivity extends asynctask<void, void, void> { @override protected void doinbackground(void... params) { // todo auto-generated method stub return null; } protected void onpostexecute(void... params) { // todo auto-generated method stub } protected void oncancelled() { // todo auto-generated method stub } }
i implemented not copied imports , packages, shouldn't problem. now, if understood correctly need write task should done doinbackground method. have call method other activity class, right?
public mainactivity ma = new mainactivity();
and in method write ma.parsexmlfromurl();
and afterwards start intent of main class onpostexecute-method this?
protected void onpostexecute(void... params) { intent mainclass = new intent(splashscreenactivity.this, mainactivity.class); startactivity(mainclass); }
if more information needed gladly elaborate further.
well, after comments tried bit differently.
this oncreate method
public void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { strictmode.setthreadpolicy(policy); super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); sv = new scrollview(this); layout = new linearlayout(this); layout.setorientation(linearlayout.vertical); sv.addview(layout); setcontentview(sv); new splashscreenactivity().execute("url file"); }
and splashscreenactivity
public class splashscreenactivity extends asynctask<string, void, void> { public mainactivity ma = new mainactivity(); protected void onpostexecute(void... params) { } protected void oncancelled() { // todo auto-generated method stub } @override protected void doinbackground(string... params) { ma.parsexmlfromurl(params); return null; }
but returns blank screen. if call parsexmlfromurl in main activity works fine.
@raghunandan said in comments wrongly created instance of class. glad if elaborate answer.
update number two
current splashscreen-code following:
package de.activevalue.t1000flies;
import; import android.content.intent; import android.os.asynctask; import android.os.bundle; public class splashscreenactivity extends activity{ @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); setcontentview(r.layout.splash_screen); new mtask().execute(); } private class mtask extends asynctask<void, void, void>{ mainactivity ma = new mainactivity(); @override protected void doinbackground(void... arg0) { ma.parsexml(); return null; } protected void onpostexecute(void... params){ intent = new intent(splashscreenactivity.this, mainactivity.class); startactivity(i); finish(); } }
with code app stucks @ splash-screen. seeems there problem xml-parsing. here xml-parsing-code. note works without problems, when start main activity wihtout splash screen
update number three
i started debug making breakpoints line per line. jumps out @ line
rankingdate [k] = new textview(this);
rest of code
for(int k = 0; k < metalist.getlength(); k++){ node metanode = metalist.item(k); system.out.println(metalist.getlength()); rankingdate [k] = new textview(this); rdate [k] = new textview(this); numberoe [k] = new textview(this); element metaelement = (element) metanode; nodelist rankingdatelist = metaelement.getelementsbytagname("date"); element rankingdateelement = (element) rankingdatelist.item(0); rankingdatelist = rankingdateelement.getchildnodes(); rankingdate [k].settext("rankingdate: " + ((node) rankingdatelist.item(0)).getnodevalue()); layout.addview(rankingdate[k]); xmlserializer.starttag(null, "date"); xmlserializer.text(((node) rankingdatelist.item(0)).getnodevalue()); xmlserializer.endtag(null, "date"); }
the system.out.println gives me 1. , k 0. why null pointer exception?
you should create new activity splashscreen --> splashscreenactivity extends activity, declare in manifest , set layout ;
public splashscreenactivity extends activity{ protected void oncreate(bundle ...){ super.oncreate(...); setcontentview(...); new mtask().execute(); } private class mtask extends asynctask<void, void, void>{ @override protected void doinbackground(void... params) { // todo auto-generated method stub return null; } protected void onpostexecute(void... params) { intent mainclass = new intent(splashscreenactivity.this, mainactivity.class); startactivity(mainclass); finish(); } } }
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