Add a file to tfs that is accessible for all developer, but only for local repository -

we have development server running tfs 2010, working fine have bit of issue:

we have file (a class file) contains connection string helps application connect database, each user has own database, mean developers needs connect other servers while specific file locked other users in other machines. therefore @ same time different users trying change connection string!

i know can save connection string in file not part of tfs or can allow checked in item edited, know if there anyway can add class file our tfs , able server when want edit it, should not checked out tfs, in local repository changes.


if web application can add connection string web.config , have both development , deploy mode. if of developers connect db server running on local box need 1 setting of developers. if need different settings local | integration | quality | production environments can use built in visual studio configurations.

it standard practice require of developer local computers configured same.


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