mpi - Parallel execution with a PBS script -

i trying write pbs script.

i have use 4 nodes in cluster , run 4 times executable program. difficulty 4 executions have run in parallel, 1 node

for moment, have allocated nodes

#pbs -l nodes=4:ppn=1 

the problem don't know how sure programs run in parallel. how can ?

if don't need program communicate other copies of itself, don't need mpi. mpi stands message passing interface (mpi forum website) , popular way of writing parallel program. there lots of tutorials on web can find quick search. recommend taking @ them. can test things out on own machines installing mpi library yourself. they're available in package managers. popular open-source implementations mpich , open mpi. if you're starting scratch, try date versions you'll more various communities way.

you can execute non-mpi program mpiexec , launch across multiple nodes (assuming you've set things correctly), won't make them communicate. has done explicitly (again, see mpi tutorials).

if you're not going communicating between processes (parallel computing), have wonder why want run multiple copies of same program across cluster begin with. thing comes mind simple cluster maintenance utilities, there better ways of doing pbs/mpi setups , i'd imagine if doing cluster maintenance, you'd know use that.


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