Cannot convert to JSON object in android -

i want create android client application consume json based asmx web service server server code return json fromat result . , tried sample code convenient.but own server application ("") following error appeared instead of json object:

<html xmlns="">  <head><title></title>  <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>  <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">      $(document).ready(function () {      jquery.ajax({ url: '     labyzwmzqaryz3rlawt0zgn3zphlaza2pfhmpgrmamn2bgrkbqp0agp0awhmaqdyzwmymlhmpg     vjzgzkzqn3zqz0amzlwgv2l3xyz3rk-1', datatype: 'jsonp', type: 'get', jsonpcallback: 'parkcallback',      success: function (data) { if (data["returnval"] != null) { window.location.href = '' + data["returnval"]; }      else { window.location.href = '' } }});}); </script></head><body></body></html>   value <html of type java.lang.string cannot converted jsonobject 

please give me suggestions.

edit: server code here :

[webmethod]     public void helloworld() {         string j = "hello world";         context.response.write(jsonconvert.serializeobject(new { j }));     } 

output json here:

{"j":"hello world"} 

i use embed google gson library in projects.

you can use following method read objects json:

type ulist = new typetoken<arraylist<yourcustomobject>>() {                 }.gettype(); arraylist<yourcustomobject> = gson.fromjson(jsonstringfromyourrequest, ulist); 


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