javascript - how to scroll to a specific div when a radio button is clicked/changed -

i trying scroll page "#table_details" using scroll plug in. can't seem working.

when click/change radio(.modemsselect) button page scrolls location of radio button clicked instead of scrolling down page table("#table_details") located. not sure if doing right or going on.

$(".modemsselect,.servicesselect").change(function (e) {     var data = $("#" + this.value).serialize();     var request = $.ajax({         url: "classes/scart.php?action=add",         type: "post",         data: data,         datatype: "html",         radiobutton: $(this).attr('class')     });     request.success(function (data) {         //$(".in_cart").html("");//clear last item selected         console.log("extra item added cart");         refreshcart();         if (this.radiobutton == "modemsselect") {             $.scrollto($('#table_details'));              $("#icon_check_modem").html("");             $("#icon_check_modem").html("<img src=\"../img/check_icon.png\">");             $('.modem_buttonnext').button("enable");         } else if (this.radiobutton == "servicesselect") {             $("#icon_check_installtype").html("");             $("#icon_check_installtype").html("<img src=\"../img/check_icon.png\">");             $(".install_buttonnext").button("enable");         } else {          }     }); }); 

any appreciated. thank you.

working fiddle

you must replace this:


with this:

$('html, body').animate({scrolltop:$('#table_details').position().top}, 'slow'); 


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