javascript - JqPlot- How to decrease the width of grids and ticks -

i trying deploy barchart using jqplot. how decrease width of grids , ticks? have removed gridline setting showgridline false, still showing vertically.

my screen.

enter image description here

i want x-axis ticks appear this.

enter image description here

my js code.

$(document).ready(function () {     var s1 = [10, 20, 30, 40];     // can specify custom tick array.     // ticks should match 1 each y value (category) in series.     var ticks = [1, 2, 3, 4];     var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [s1], {         // "seriesdefaults" option options object         // applied series in chart.         seriesdefaults: {             renderer: $.jqplot.barrenderer,             rendereroptions: {                 barmargin: 2,                 barwidth: 15             }         },         grid: {             drawborder: false,             background: '#ffffff',             // css color spec background color of grid            },         axesdefaults: {             tickrenderer: $.jqplot.canvasaxistickrenderer,             tickoptions: {                 marksize: 4             }         },         axes: {             // use category axis on x axis , use our custom ticks.                       xaxis: {                 pad: -1.05,                 renderer: $.jqplot.categoryaxisrenderer,                 ticks: ticks             },             yaxis: {                 pad: 1.05,                 tickoptions: {                     formatstring: '%d',                     showgridline: false                 }             }         }     }); });     

may can help?

to remove gridlines, apply below property on both x-axis , y-axis:

tickoptions: {    showgridline: false } 

in code have set barwidth 15px. before drawing graph please make sure width of div no less more number of x-axis tixks * 15 (approx).


adjust width of each bar @ runtime based on width of div.

here example solves problem: jsfiddle link

html code:

<div id="chart1" style="margin-top:20px; margin-left:20px; width:310px; height:300px;"></div> 

js code:

$(document).ready(function () {     var s1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100];     // can specify custom tick array.     // ticks should match 1 each y value (category) in series.     var ticks = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];     var plot1 = $.jqplot('chart1', [s1], {         // "seriesdefaults" option options object         // applied series in chart.         seriesdefaults: {             renderer: $.jqplot.barrenderer,             rendereroptions: {                 barmargin: 2,                 barwidth: 25             },             shadow: false         },         grid: {             drawborder: false,             background: '#ffffff',             // css color spec background color of grid            },         axesdefaults: {             tickrenderer: $.jqplot.canvasaxistickrenderer,             tickoptions: {                 marksize: 4             }         },         axes: {             // use category axis on x axis , use our custom ticks.                       xaxis: {                 pad: -1.05,                 renderer: $.jqplot.categoryaxisrenderer,                 ticks: ticks,                 tickoptions: {                     showgridline: false                 }             },             yaxis: {                 pad: 1.05,                 tickoptions: {                     formatstring: '%d',                     showgridline: false                 }             }         }     }); }); 


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