ios7 - UISearchDisplayController Frame Issue -

i have been using uisearchdisplaycontroller in 1 of apps , has been working great far until have encountered issue. whenever try search through data on tableview, result shows correctly frame of uisearchdisplaycontroller not right. search result shows half height of screen. have tried check out , seen couple of solutions this. none of them worked including famous one:

-(void)searchdisplaycontroller:(uisearchdisplaycontroller *)controller didshowsearchresultstableview:(uitableview *)tableview  { cgrect frame = controller.searchresultstableview.frame; if ([[[uidevice currentdevice] systemversion] floatvalue] >= 7.0) {    //changing frame size here   } } 

it not work correctly. ideas?

if interested, @enreas pointed out towards right direction:


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