if statement - Elseifs being skipped in Lua -

i started work on little game-dev project in lua, , having trouble part of code:

    if genrel == rpg , langl == basic , topicl == war         review = math.random(2, 5)         review2 = math.random(2, 5)         review3 = math.random(2, 3)         money = money + 300         print("you have earned total of $300 dollars game. overall not many people enjoyed game.")  elseif genrel == rpg , langl == basic , topicl == "western"         review = math.random(7, 9)         review2 = math.random(4, 9)         review3 = math.random(5, 8)     money = money + 400     print("you have earned total of $300 dollars game. game recieved mixed reviews.") 

topicl, langl, , genrel, defined earlier in code. example:

topicchoice = io.read() if topicchoice == 'war' topic = "[war]" topicl = war  proglang = io.read() if proglang == 'java' lang = "[java]" langl = java  genrechoice = io.read() if genrechoice == 'action' genre = "[action]" genrel = action 

everything defined, when run code random numbers outputted first ones under if, no matter put in. may hard understand, here full code. http://pastebin.com/xs3aevfs

summary: program decides random numbers shown determining genre, topic, , coding language are. instead of selecting numbers genre, topic, , coding language, uses first if statement.

early in code have this:

if genrechoice == 'action'     genre = "[action]"     genrel = action      elseif genrechoice == 'rpg'     genre = "[rpg]"     genrel = rpg      elseif genrechoice == 'sim'     genre = "[sim]"     genrel = sim      end 

and assign genrel value of variables action, rpg , sim, variables don't appear have been defined anywhere, value nil. in other words when execute:

genrel = action      

is same if did:

genrel = nil      


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