Howto see if duplicate values exist in two colums in excel and consolidate them using vba -
i need transform table looks this:
oi buy securities upp 100000 0.622 0.624 62381.05 oi buy securities dic 30000 1.57 1.575 47239.525 oi buy securities dic 26220 1.57 1.574 41278.605 oi buy securities dic 10000 1.57 1.574 15743.175 oi buy securities dic 30000 1.57 1.574 47229.525 oi buy securities dic 3780 1.57 1.574 5950.92 oi buy securities dib 50000 3.18 3.189 159447.25 oi buy securities emaar 50000 5.3 5.315 265738.75 oi buy securities airarabia 100000 1.22 1.223 122345.5
to this:
oi buy securities upp 100000 0.622 0.624 62381.05 oi buy securities dic 100000 1.57 1.574 157441.75 oi buy securities dib 50000 3.18 3.189 159447.25 oi buy securities emaar 50000 5.3 5.315 265738.75 oi buy securities airarabia 100000 1.22 1.223 122345.5
this table log of daily transactions have incurred. need consolidate trades of same security , same price single trade. columns : security description, volume, share price, average price after commission, total transaction value. in order. total transaction value volume*the average price after commission. need create second table besides first 1 column m onwards on excel sheet. everyday new file broker looks , need modify second table. can please suggest someway can automate using vba. or perhaps macro. cannot use pivottable unfortunately otherwise have been quite simple.
this should want. both sheet1 , sheet2 must exist in example. sheet1 must contain starting data.
sub consolidatespecial()
' first copy sheet work area
for irow = 1 65535
if worksheets("sheet1").cells(irow, 1) = "" exit for
for icolumn = 1 5
worksheets("sheet2").cells(irow, icolumn) = worksheets("sheet1").cells(irow, icolumn)
' colidate cells
for irowfirstset = 1 65535
if worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 1) = "" , worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 2) = "" exit for
for irowsecondset = irowfirstset + 1 65535
if worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowsecondset, 1) = "" , worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowsecondset, 2) = "" exit for
if worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 1) = worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowsecondset, 1) then
if worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 3) = worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowsecondset, 3) then
worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 2) = worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 2) + worksheets("sheet1").cells(irowsecondset, 2)
worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 4) = worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowsecondset, 4)
worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 5) = worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowfirstset, 5) + worksheets("sheet1").cells(irowsecondset, 5)
worksheets("sheet2").cells(irowsecondset, 1).clear
end if
end if
' delete blank rows
for irow = 1 65535
if worksheets("sheet2").cells(irow, 1) = "" , worksheets("sheet2").cells(irow, 2) = "" exit for
if worksheets("sheet2").cells(irow, 1) = "" then
irow = irow - 1
if irow < 1 irow = 1
end if
msgbox "done"
end sub
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