javascript - Converting busy time to free time -

i have set of data busy times during day , want predict unbusy time somehow subtracting time slots day.

i'm wondering what's best approach/algorithm that.

[ '20:30 21:30',   '11:00 12:00',   '07:30 08:50',   '09:00 20:00' ] 

what i'm thinking right make array 24 blocks of day free [1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 ..etc] , somehow process starting time , deduct spot ex. 1.30 2.00 turn free block of 1 1-2 1-1.30. start not sure if work

i had similar problem, had busy slots of person, , wanted find time slots person available ("free"). coded, hope can someone:

function getfreeofday (date, busyslots) {   function samedatedifferenttime(date, hours, minutes) {     return new date(date.getfullyear(), date.getmonth(), date.getdate(), hours, minutes, 0, 0);   }   // define range free spots   var freeslots = date.getday() === 0 || date.getday() === 6 ? [] : [     {       start: samedatedifferenttime(date, 10, 0), // 10:00 (am)       end: samedatedifferenttime(date, 12, 30), // 12:30 (am)     },     {       start: samedatedifferenttime(date, 13, 30), // 13:30 (am)       end: samedatedifferenttime(date, 19, 0), // 19:00 (am)     }   ];    // go through busy slots, remove them free spots   busyslots.foreach(function (busyslot) {     freeslots.foreach(function (freeslot, freeslotindex) {       if (busyslot.end <= freeslot.start || busyslot.start >= freeslot.end) {         // nothing, busy slot doesn't interfere free slot       }       else if (busyslot.start <= freeslot.start && busyslot.end >= freeslot.end) {         // free slot in middle of busy slot, meaning it's not possible plan in there         freeslots.splice(freeslotindex, 1);       }       else if (busyslot.start < freeslot.start && busyslot.end > freeslot.start) {         // busy slot overlaps free slot, ends after start of free slot         freeslots[freeslotindex] = {           start: busyslot.end,           end: freeslot.end         };       }       else if (busyslot.start < freeslot.end && busyslot.end > freeslot.end) {         // busy slot overlaps free slot, starts before end of free slot         freeslots[freeslotindex] = {           start: freeslot.start,           end: busyslot.start         };       }       else {         // busy slot in middle of free slot         freeslots[freeslotindex] = {           start: freeslot.start,           end: busyslot.start         };         freeslots.splice(freeslotindex + 1, 0, {           start: busyslot.end,           end: freeslot.end         });       }     });   });    // remove empty free slots   freeslots.foreach(function (freeslot, freeslotindex) {     if (freeslot.start >= freeslot.end) {       freeslots.splice(freeslotindex, 1);     }   });    return freeslots; 


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