Bash get hard drive path -

is there way symbolic path (e.g. /dev/sda) of computer's hard drive bash script executed flash drive inserted computer? /dev/sda?

it different sda. if computer has 4 hard-drives?

you run fdisk -l root (or sudo), check bootable device. c: drive. doesn't mean device contains windows.

one can install windows on hard-disk(ii) boot disk(i).

so fdisk -l way can find bootable partition/disk on machine. can check fs if could windows system fs (e.g. fat32/ntfs). cannot tell if disk has windows (those windows system files) installed.

moreover, if computer has 4 disks, , install winos on each of them, there 4 windows installed. multi-booting system. cannot find proper solution find disks except mounting partitions , checking fs.


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