Java nio read bytebuffer from channel -

my issue how receive data server example "cutting" in parcels of 1024 bytes, cause when answer comes server in packets 2 parts don't know how solve that. ex. when first packet arrives size informed server 1988 , received 1444, it's ok, when second packet arrives size informed 808333347 , received 540, sum of 1444 + 540 = 1984 right. don't know number 808333347 coming from. i'm googling solution , teachs using udp , need tcp/ip connection. please me, solve that.

the class:

public class connection implements runnable {     private static  connection     instance;     private         socketchannel  channel        = null;     private         int            port           = 0;     private         int            service        = 0;     private final   int            socket_timeout = 15 * 1000;     private final   int            socket_bytes   = 16 * 1024;     private final   charset        charset        = charset.forname("iso-8859-1");     private         string         host           = null;      private         string         message        = "";  public connection(string host, string port){       = host;     this.port       = integer.parseint(port); } public static connection createconnection(string host, string port) {      if(instance == null){         instance = new conexao(host, port);      }      return instance; } public void connect(){     try{ =;;;; inetsocketaddress(host, port));;     } catch (ioexception ioe){         log.d(tag, ioe.getmessage() + " " + ioe.tostring());     } } @override public void run() {     if(null !={         if({             log.d(tag, "channel connected = true");         } else {             log.d(tag, "channel connected = false");         }     } else {         instance.connect();         log.d(tag, "channel connected");     }     sendmessage();     while(true){         receivemessage();     } } public void sendmessage() {     int         size    = message.length();     bytebuffer  buffer  = bytebuffer.allocate(4 + 4 + size);     buffer.putint(service).putint(size).put(message.getbytes());     buffer.flip();     for(int = 0; < size; i++){         try {   ;         } catch (ioexception ioe) {             log.d(tag, ioe.getmessage() + " " + ioe.tostring());         }     } } public void receivemessage(){     bytebuffer  buffer      = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(socket_bytes);     int         bytesreaded = 0;     string      received    = "";     buffer.clear();     try {         {             bytesreaded =;         } while (bytesreaded == 0);     } catch (ioexception ioe) {         log.d(tag, ioe.getmessage() + " " + ioe.tostring());     }     buffer.flip();     int size    =  buffer.getint();     received    += charset.decode(buffer);     log.d(tag,"serviÇe: " + size + "/" + received.length() + " msg: " + received); } public int getservice() {     return service; } public void setservice(int service) {     this.service = service; } public string getmessage() {     return message; } public void setmessage(string message) {     this.message = message; } 

i changed function this:

public void receivemessage(){     bytebuffer  buffer      = bytebuffer.allocatedirect(socket_bytes);     int         bytesreaded = 0;     string      received    = "";     buffer.clear();     try {         bytesreaded =;     } catch (ioexception ioe) {         log.d(tag, ioe.getmessage() + " " + ioe.tostring());     }     buffer.flip();     if(bytesreaded >= 4){         if(size == 0 && size < 5000) size = buffer.getint();         received    += charset.decode(buffer);         answer      += received;         if(size == answer.length()){             log.d(tag,"service: " + size + "/" + answer.length() + " " + answer);         }     } } 

but it's ugly now.

you can't control how data arrives on tcp connection, either end. can arrive byte @ time or in other quanta size of data. have loop @ receiving end until have need. need use same read buffer size of socket can accumulate data loop, , preserve data might belong subsequent message.

the 'size informed' cannot huge state. results bug. getting out of sync.


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