css - Blue border in IE wont go away -

i have pictures links, , in ie, there blue border around them, have tried have found, link well. how remove blue border around links in ie9?

for reason cannot go away.

thanks in advance help.

its div.logo 1 trying fix

body {background-image:url('../images/space1.jpg'); background-repeat: no-repeat center center;     background-position: center;     background-size: cover;     width: 100%;     min-height: 100%;     }   body {color:white;} a, a:visited {      color:#3399ff; text-decoration:none;}  div.header{ text-align:right; font-size:200%; } div.header1 { text-align:right; font-size:125%; } div.logo{ margin-top:-40px; border:none; img  text-decoration: none;  border: 0px; border-style:none; }    #nav{ width:85%; height:3%; font-size: 26px; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 8px; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; position:absolute; top:100px; left:120px; }  #nav ul { height: auto; padding: 0px 0px; margin: 0px; background-color: #f2f2f2; border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;  display: inline-block;     }  #nav li {  display: inline-block; padding: 20px;  margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; }  #nav { text-decoration: none; color: #3399ff; padding: 8px 8px 8px 8px; }  #nav a:hover { color: #000000; background-color:#3399ff; }  nav ul ul {     display: none; }  nav ul li:hover > ul {         display: block; } div.qui { text-align:center; font-size:200%; text-decoration:underline; } div.specs { text-align:center; font-size:175%; } ul.qui { text-align:center; font-size:150%; list-style-type: none; } .images {     overflow: hidden; }  .images img {     float: left;     margin: 0px; } div.glams {   text-align: center;  } .left {   float: left;   margin-left:20%;   padding:10px;    border:3px solid #585858 ; } .right {   float: right;   margin-right:20%;   padding:10px;    border:3px solid #585858 ; } p.v { text-align:center; }  @media screen , (min-width: 768px) , (max-width: 770px) , (orientation : portrait) {      div.header{         text-align:right;         font-size:140%;     }      div.header1 {         text-align:right;         font-size:100%;     }      div.logo{         margin-top:-40px;     }      div.logo      img {         height:100px;         width:200px;     }         #nav{         width:100%;         height:3%;         font-size: 100%;         font-weight: bold;         border-radius: 8px;         margin:0;         padding:0;         text-align: center;         margin-top:5%;         margin-left:-14%;     }      #nav ul {         height: auto;         padding: 0px 0px;         margin: 0;         background-color: #f2f2f2;         border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;          display: inline-block;     }      #nav li {          display: inline         padding: 5px;          margin-left: auto;         margin-right: auto;     }      #nav {         text-decoration: none;         color:#3399ff;         padding: 8px 8px 8px 8px;         display: inline-block;     }      #nav a:hover {         color: #000000;         background-color: #fff;     }      li:hover ul {          display: block;      }     nav ul ul {         display: none;     }      nav ul li:hover > ul {             display: block;     }      div.qui {         text-align:center;         font-size:200%;         text-decoration:underline;         margin-top:15%;     }      div.specs {         text-align:center;         font-size:175%;     }      ul.qui {         text-align:center;         font-size:150%;         list-style-type: none;     }      .images {         overflow: hidden;     }      .images img {         float: left;         margin: 0px;     }      div.one {       text-align: center;           }      .left {       float: left;       margin-left:3%;       padding:0px;        border:3px solid #585858 ;     }      .right {       float: right;       margin-right:3%;       padding:0px;        border:3px solid #585858 ;     }      p.v {         text-align:center;     }     div.glams      img {     height:180px;     width: 300px;     }  @media screen  , (min-device-height : 768px)  , (min-device-width : 1024px)  , (orientation : landscape) { body { background: green; }        div.header{         text-align:right;         font-size:140%;     }      div.header1 {         text-align:right;         font-size:100%;     }      div.logo{         margin-top:-40px;     }      div.logo      img {         height:80px;         width:150px;     }         #nav{         width:100%;         height:3%;         font-size: 100%;         font-weight: bold;         border-radius: 8px;         margin:0;         padding:0;         text-align: center;         margin-top:5%;         margin-left:-14%;     }      #nav ul {         height: auto;         padding: 0px 0px;         margin: 0;         background-color: #f2f2f2;         border-bottom: 1px solid #ccc;          display: inline-block;     }      #nav li {          display: inline         padding: 5px;          margin-left: auto;         margin-right: auto;     }      #nav {         text-decoration: none;         color:#3399ff;         padding: 8px 8px 8px 8px;         display: inline-block;     }      #nav a:hover {         color: #000000;         background-color: #fff;     }      li:hover ul {          display: block;      }     nav ul ul {         display: none;     }      nav ul li:hover > ul {             display: block;     }      div.qui {         text-align:center;         font-size:200%;         text-decoration:underline;         margin-top:15%;     }      div.specs {         text-align:center;         font-size:175%;     }      ul.qui {         text-align:center;         font-size:150%;         list-style-type: none;     }      .images {         overflow: hidden;     }      .images img {         float: left;         margin: 0px;     }      div.one {       text-align: center;           }      .left {       float: left;       margin-left:3%;       padding:0px;        border:3px solid #585858 ;     }      .right {       float: right;       margin-right:3%;       padding:0px;        border:3px solid #585858 ;     }      p.v {         text-align:center;     }     div.glams      img {     height:180px;     width: 300px;     } } 

to make them go away use this:

a > img {    border: 0; } 

this means image inside link should have no border. had same issue , fixed! :) try it.


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