java - cache search result implementation -

database: mysql -- table structure is.

------------------------------------------ phone_no (this pk)    | month   | year ------------------------------------------ varchar(15)              | int (2) | int(4) 

this has milions of records, when user access site first time in month, have make entry in db, otherise nothing happen, reporting purpose. java code is:

the vo ---->          public class uesraccessinfo {             private string phone_no;             private int year;             private int month;              .. getters , setters ...         } 

now java code access table :

/* following methods implemented in java code, no db accesses there */

string phone_no = getphonenumber();  int currentmonth = getcurmonth();  int currentyear = getcuryear(;   if (phone_no == null ) {      request.setattribute("firstaccessincurrentmonth", false); }  else{     uesraccessinfo ouesraccessinfo = new uesraccessinfo();     ouesraccessinfo.setphone_no(phone_no);     useracesshistorydbutil.getuesraccessinfo(ouesraccessinfo);      //////////// code  getuesraccessinfo() in useracesshistorydbutil class /////////////       string sql = "select month , year user_access_history phone_no= ?";       string[][] rs = new mydbaccessor().getpreparedtable(sql,new string[] { ouesraccessinfo.getmsisdn() });       if (rs != null && rs.length > 0) {          (string[] item : rs) {             ouesraccessinfo.setmonth(integer.parseint(item[0]));             ouesraccessinfo.setmonth(integer.parseint(item[1]));          }       }else{         ouesraccessinfo.setmonth(0);       }     }     /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////     /**      * user present in database      */     if(ouesraccessinfo.getmonth() != 0){          /**          * user has accessed site in current month          */         if(ouesraccessinfo.getyear() == currentyear && ouesraccessinfo.getmonth() == currentmonth){             request.setattribute("firstaccessincurrentmonth", false);         }         else{             useracesshistorydbutil.updateuseraccesshistory(phone_no, ""+ currentmonth, "" + currentyear);             request.setattribute("firstaccessincurrentmonth", true);         }     }     /**      * user not present in database      */     else{         useracesshistorydbutil.createuseraccesshistory(phone_no,""+ currentmonth, "" + currentyear);         request.setattribute("firstaccessincurrentmonth", true);     } } 

so, here facing performance issue. cant use caching, there can out of memory error in server.

any suggestion , improve performance, new in mysql.

my suggestions

  • since done reporting purpose , not going affect user, why don't run in separate thread?
  • you insert each access tablea , create batch process bulk insert table inserting into. @ least avoid running select query.


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