HTML5 video/audio player on mobile Safari (iOS 7 & iOS 10) excludes cookies -

i have noticed html5 video/audio player (applecoremedia) on mobile safari on ios 7 excludes cookies, first-party cookies. not sessions cookies included in http-header. makes impossible relay on cookie authorization when playing video clip in mobile safari on ios 7.

all cookies included correctly running ios 6 on ios 7 no cookies included in http-header of applecoremedia.

can 1 else confirm issue on ios 7?

steps reproduce is:

  1. create cookie on web page.
  2. play html5 video clip on same web page using mobile safari in ios 7.
  3. check server logs applecoremedia , cookie.

update 2016-09-20: video player in ios 10 (applecoremedia) not able read session cookies. cookies set expire date readable video player.

for ios10, if respond 403 forbidden, applecoremedia somehow try again time missing cookies. if have code redirects login page when session cookie missing, video not work on ios 10.


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