linux - Identify Remote OS based on Port -

i need find type of os installed in remote machine. know that, can use os finger printing tools nmap detect os specific details of remote machine. can't use such tool, since there licensing issues. need implement own logic detect os. on search have found link can find os type based on ttl. using ttl not accurate. based on hop calculation.

there open ports in machine. scanning can somehow manage find os.

is there such port might give idea os type? need implement logic run script based on os. if there conditions useful detect os type might save time.

if(isopen(some_port_number)) { //this machine might windows based 1  if(run_windowsbasedscript()==false) { run_linuxbasedscript(); } } else { if(run_linuxbasedscript()==false) { run_windowsbasedscript(); } } 

so need reduce run time identifying os type.i thought based on open ports can find os. appreciated.

there not "just one port" can scan determine os. if can't use nmap you'll need emulate it's mechanism detect os.

of course lucky telnet command (on port 23) giving operating system or curl -i giving web-server microsoft-iis/7.5 (classical techniques) don't count on it.

you'll need use complicated techniques. can read in old article of techniques. there mention of others use different techniques.

first need find out family machine belongs to. (you mentioned ttl-method) after can read in article above steps can take determine versions.

another fact nmap uses not 1 port, best effective if there @ least 1 open , 1 closed tcp port found. (it says when doesn't find them) determines os combinations of ports found open , closed.

for further reading:


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